February 10, 2021
While COVID-19 makes daily headlines, another epidemic has been lurking in the shadows. The Opioid Epidemic remains a deadly reality in Berks County, with 128 confirmed drug-related fatalities in 2020, up from 121 in 2019.
February 1, 2021
Mutual aid support meetings offer people in recovery and opportunities for shared hope and healing. In Berks County, hundreds of mutual aid and self-help support meetings occur on a weekly basis.
January 20, 2021
Is someone in your family struggling with a substance use disorder? You’re not alone, even though you may feel as though you are. In fact, addiction is an issue faced […]
January 12, 2021
Adams recounted how the county’s entire criminal justice system was forced to “pivot hard and fast” last March when trials and in-person hearings were canceled, and the prison population had to be reduced due pandemic-related to safety concerns. Fortunately, in less than two months virtual technology allowed the justice system to operate proficiently. But Adams still had concerns.
January 6, 2021
With more family members staying home due to the pandemic, the safe management of all drugs, both prescription and over the counter, has become more important than ever. To help keep their loved ones safe, families must develop a plan for securely storing all medications, and properly disposing of those that are unused or expired.