Berks County Commissioners Recognized for Support of Substance Use Related Services

September 27, 2021

Berks County-supported services play a role in helping more than 30,000 county residents who are currently in recovery.

Representatives of the Council on Chemical Abuse (COCA) recently attended a September county commissioner’s meeting, in recognition of National Recovery Month. They thanked commissioners for funding services that support prevention, treatment, and recovery from substance use disorder.

“Thank you so much for all you do to ensure that substance abuse services are provided through the county — whether that be prevention, intervention, treatment or recovery. Berks County has a very rich continuation of care here due to a long history of county commissioners who have been supportive of that. Not merely supportive in terms of dollars, but in terms of advocacy and encouragement.”

Stanley Papademetriou, COCA’s executive director, quoted in the Reading Eagle

The county provided about $6.3 million to fund substance-related use services in 2021. Those resources are essential to residents seeking treatment and recovery from addiction, said COCA Community Programs Specialist Yvonne Stroman.

“This is a life-and-death business that we are in when we’re talking about addiction,” she said. “This is a disease that knows no boundaries. It impacts people of all races, of all socioeconomic backgrounds, of all academic levels. And any one of us can fall prey to this insidious disease.”

Click here to read the full article.